Statistical characteristics of ozone and PM10 levels in a medium-sized Mediterranean city
Papanastasiou, D.K., Melas, D.
[περίληψη] A statistical analysis of ozone and PM10 concentration levels in the area of Volos, a medium-sized Greek coastal city, was carried out for the period 2001-2003. The data analysis revealed that the Daily Maximum Hourly (DMH) value of ozone concentration reaches a maximum of 160 μg/m3 during summer; it is observed during afternoon hours and is associated usually with winds from southern directions. This is attributed to the impact of the sea breeze on pollution levels. Concerning PM10 concentration, it was found that its DMH values are quite high and that its Daily Average (DA) value exceeds the limit value of 50 μg/m3 for approximately 38% of the days. The daily cycle shows two maxima (morning-evening) and in these cases the wind is typically from north-northwest directions. The weekly and seasonal variance of DA values of PM10 concentration is not very significant.
[keywords] Air pollution; Greece; Ozone; PM10; Volos
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 36 (1-3), pp. 127-138, 2009